SWAT CQB Training
Basic Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) training provides students the opportunity to learn SWAT tactics include room clearing live fire as a team, live fire squad room clearing with night vision goggles, rappelling with specialized descender system, live fire hostage rescue from a school bus and little bird with army helicopter MD350.
This training experience fit students from all levels from beginners to advanced.
Duration: 9 days (90 hours)
$ 7,000
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SWAT Training | Airborne CQB Room Clearing & Night Vision | ITS
Course Topics
Dynamic entry techniques with live fire as a squad team day / low light / Night vision goggles G2.5
Shooting Competency & Hard Skills
Understanding whos timeline you’re on
Actions at the breach
Roles & Responsibilities of 1 through 4 man clears
Door Breaching Procedures
Points of Domination
Team sectors of fire
Center fed & Corner fed rooms
Traversing hallways in team formations (Wide vs Narrow)
Opposing Threat Areas
Negotiating Dead space
Blocking Position for team movements
Importance of timing & spacing
Verbal & Non-verbal communication
Team Movement Initiators
Advantages of Free Flow CQB vs Limited Penetration
Team organization
Resolution of barricaded suspects
Warrant service
Clearing structures
Team movement and communication
Hostage Rescue familiarization
Immediate action drills
Personal gear setup and recommendations
Hasty vehicle take downs
Shooting tactics in compressed team environments
Participant Gear Provided for the student
Ballistic Helmet (if issued)
Tactical Body Armor with ballistic plates in conjunction with soft armor
Carbine or Sub-Gun with four (4) mags
Pistol with three (3) mags
Weapon mounted lights (preferred) and/or handheld lights
Spare batteries for all sights and lights.
Gloves, Cap, Knee Pads, Snacks, Bug Spray, Water
Weather appropriate clothing
Ballistic Eye Protection / Ear Protection
Notebook and Pen
- If you don't have any of the items we can provided it as part of the course fee for no additional cost
Physical Requirements
Participant should be in an average good physical condition
Pistol fundamentals (TAC 1) for beginners
Rifle fundamentals (TAC 1) for beginners
Room Clearing CQB live fire - Active shooter mission profile
Room Clearing CQB live fire - Active shooter mission profile
Room Clearing CQB live fire - Active shooter mission profile
Room Clearing CQB live fire - team level deliberate tactics
Hostage rescue from a school bus & Room Clearing CQB live fire - team level deliberate tactics - night vision
Little bird Airborne exercises
Room Clearing CQB live fire - team level deliberate tactics - final exercises
The tactical CQB system presented in the course inspired by Sayeret Matkal Training Tactics ,Sayeret Matkal Training
All inclusive price:
- Lodging
- Meals
- Training gear
- Firearms
- Night vision
- Little Bird Army helicopter Airborne exercises
The Israeli Tactical School provides world-class training with operations all around the globe. Our focus is on Counter Terror and Executive Protection Training, with training options available for Special Forces Units, Police, SWAT Hostage Rescue Teams (HRT) and Special Reactions Teams (SRT), Head of State Protection Units, and Field Intelligence Units.




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SWAT Course prerequisites include a background check conducted by the Israeli Tactical School, as well as a short interview with each potential student. This course is designed for all levels, from beginners with no previous experience all the way up to professionals. We highly recommend completing our TAC 2 Beginners Course or having equivalent experience before embarking on this course - but it is not a must!
The SWAT course follows a step-by-step curriculum, focusing on the progress of each student. The aim is to refresh and build up fundamental skills before diving into exercises such as room clearing, first as individuals, then paired with an instructor, then as a squad and finally as a full team. Our method is to work dry (without bullets) until you have perfected your technique, and then move to live fire only when you are ready.
The SWAT course fee includes ammunition (9mm and 5.56), gear, a helicopter ride, 3G night vision goggles, green & IR lasers, flash bangs, breaching tools (for dry and wet exercises) and anything else required for training.
It does not include hotels, meals, or transportation. Rifles, pistols, and silencers are available for rent.
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